Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Why Existentialism is a Practical Point of View
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This 7 page paper examines existentialism according to Sartre. Other works are used to discuss the subject. The paper argues that existentialism helps to explain why the only practical way of living is to live for one's personal desires and existence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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bags are praised for their heroism. They have done a noble thing. Their lives had meaning. On the other side is the point: who cares? The individual soldiers life was
all that he had. He lived and that is all that he really did know. That is the existentialist point of view, but that is a point of view that
is really the only rational way of looking at things. Indeed, existentialism helps to explain why the only practical way of living is to live for ones personal desires and
existence. It sounds like a selfish proposition, and in some way it is, but what does anybody really know about existence except for what they experience? Many people have beliefs
or theories, but there are no proofs. A thought experiment is to perhaps imagine oneself as creating the whole world. Is the individual God in his own universe? Is there
anything beyond the realm of the individual thinker or observer? What if everything that happens is made simply for the benefit of the individual and no one else really exists.
Ironically, the opposite of existentialist thought, or the idea that everything is connected instead, relies on the idea of meaningful coincidences. But what if coincidences are meaningless activities created by
the individual thinker who indeed creates his own universe? It is really difficult to prove otherwise because everyone has an individual mind. Descartes addressed some of these problems and questioned
his existence. He suggested that people may not be able to determine whether or not they are dreaming. That is one of his skeptical arguments, but the reality is that
in the dream world, the individual becomes the "man behind the curtain." In the Wizard of Oz, the Wizard was nothing but a man creating the image, but he