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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper examines the ethics of cloning dinosaurs. Potential benefits is the subject of speculation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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than detract, from life in the twenty-first century. There are in fact ethical reasons as to why dinosaurs should be cloned. For the most part, when the cloning debate surfaces,
most people shy away from it. They want to see what would happen out of curiosity, but they are afraid of possible ethical and physical consequences of cloning. They are
afraid of a Frankenstein and also afraid that the result is something that is not completely right. Will clones be brain damaged? If they can procreate, can they yield monsters
in the future? While those who fear cloning have a point--there are risks inherent in the process--for every innovation in the world, there had been naysayers. Some people still believe
that man has not made it to the moon. Christopher Columbus was warned not to go on his journey lest he would fall off the Earth. On a smaller scale,
many people are warned not to start businesses in their garages as the odds are against them, but these are the same people who become self-made millionaires. The fact that
there are warnings about cloning from all over the world means little. The truth is that in exploring the cloning process, one is going into a world of the unknown.
Dr. Frankenstein for example wanted to find "the secret to life" and Hammond, the fictitious business mogul in Jurassic Park, had similar motivations (Gorman, 2005). It is explained
that both had been motivated by something called technological sweetness, a phrase that has been used to denote that something was so technologically sweet, it is hard to argue against
doing it (2005). In other words, it would be so exciting to be able to do a particular thing, and the potential use for the invention or discovery is so