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This 3 page paper discusses white collar crime and some common tactics used by defense lawyers in these cases. It also discusses the judge's ruling, and implications for Martha Stewart going to prison. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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privileged knowledge for their own gain seems far removed from ordinary life. People wonder why they should care. The simple reason they should care is that white collar crimes
"cost the United states more than $300 billion annually according to the FBI" (Burns, 2006). Thats $300 billion that could (and should) have gone elsewhere (schools, infrastructure, environment).
White collar crimes include such things as fraud, inside trading, computer crime and public corruption, and go largely undetected; when they are detected and prosecuted, sentences are generally light (Burns,
2006). White collar criminals dont commit their crimes out of blind rage, jealousy, hate; or even to make political statements or demonstrate commitment to an ideology, however twisted. White
collar criminals are often well-to-do, highly placed, and greedy. They already have more money than they could use in five lifetimes but they still dont have enough; there people
like this will never have enough. Another type of white collar criminal is the person who gets in over their head financially and cant get out. They
may have medical bills, credit card debt, or other problems that they cant solve, so if the opportunity presents itself, they turn to white collar crime, thinking theyll be safe.
It seems to be changing now, but for a long time the public attitude toward such crime was largely, Who cares? Nobodys getting hurt. But of course thats
not true; as we saw with Enron, the people who worked for the company for years, in good faith, saw their pensions disappear and their future entirely ruined. With
corporate greed running rampant, public opinion seems to be swinging, and people want to see these wrongdoers punished. However, because theyre usually wealthy individuals, or a corporation, they frequently have