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This 3 page paper provides a philosophical look at goodness. The concept of good, man's highest good and good will are also touched on. Ideas from philosophers such as Kant and Plato are duly noted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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terms when exploring the concept of goodness. The term good is difficult to define. Morre argued that the term good stood for an indefinable quality (Honderich, 1995). It does appear
a difficult word to quantify or qualify. Other related terms have more discernible meanings. Good will, according to Kant, is when moral agents can be held accountable for the
orientation of their will (Honderich, 1995). Also, when mans highest good or greatest good is discussed, it is usually argued that mans highest good is either simply what is
obtained through hedonistic ventures or through living a morally correct life. However, while good is a concept that may be construed in a myriad of ways, goodness usually refers to
intrinsic good. This is somewhat different than other related concepts because it implies that the good is a given, and has nothing to do with opinion. Good simply exists and
it is mans quest to understand why and how. Still, such questions are never really adequately answered. Kants ideas that moral values are good without qualification as well as Platos
remarks helps to understand moral goodness as an intrinsic goodness grounded in the nature of acts and one that is independent of subjective satisfaction (Seifert, 2003). Moral goodness just
is. One looks at a baby or a puppy and thinks that these living things are so good. The goodness exudes. The baby has not yet been corrupt by life.
Kant sees that the goodness of moral values is also not relative to, nor dependent upon, anybodys notions or ideas (2003). Also, moral goodness is not just the purely intentional
correlate of a judgment (2003). In essence, moral goodness exists within something and it is also something difficult to define. Like pornography, one knows it when one sees it, but