Sample Essay on:
Watson’s Care Model Applied to the Implementation of Hourly Rounding

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 4 page paper is a four slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes, looking at the reasons why the introduction of hourly rounding is aligned with Watson’s care model, and how it will aid with care provided in a hospital ward. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

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4 pages (~225 words per page)

File: TS14_TEwatsonrd.doc

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There are many models which emphasis the role of the nurse seeing the patient as a whole and helping in recovery in the way that care is provided. As Florence Nightingale stated the surgeon may save the patients life but it is the nurse that helps the patient to live it (McDonald, 2001). The core element of the nurses role in the hospital may be aided by the implementing of hourly rounding. Traditionally rounding will take place regularly, but on a less frequent basis. Increasing the frequency has the potential increase the standard of care. This can be seen by looking at the way that this may provide a framework which will facilitate effective care given that will promote recovery and well being of the patients. This can be seen as an approached that is conducive to Watsons care model. Slide 2 Within a hospital setting the establishment of hourly rounding may be aid with the development of a caring environment where nurses are able to develop positive relationship with their patients. When considering the potential value of hourly rounding this fits in very well with Watsons care model. Watson has seven assumptions, the first is that care is demonstrated in an interpersonal level (George, 2010). Hourly rounding will increase the interaction between nurse and patient and as such interpersonal communication to support caring. The second factor is the way human needs can be satisfied with the curative factors (George, 2010), the hourly rounding will increase the potential provision of those factors, not only with the demonstration of care, but increased potential opportunities to identify needs which may be satisfied. Caring is also known to help promote health ((George, 2010), hourly rounding ...

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