Sample Essay on:
Walt Whitman's 'Song of Myself' vs. 'The Federalist'/ Promises & Perils

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page essay responding to Walt Whitman's 'Song of Myself' [and 'The Federalist'] -- discussing how it illustrates that American writers usde a theme of uncertain or shared identity to comment on the promises and perils of American society. Only 'Song of Myself' is used as a source.

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be a pattern of life, death, and rebirth in the universe. Death holds no terror for him, because he believes that it leads only to rebirth as part of an unending cycle. Such an attitude allows Whitman to honor the common man. He sees him as a noble part of humanity; and he finds no one, regardless of occupation or condition, unworthy of being saluted in his poetry. As far as Whitman was concerned, all people, but more specifically, all Americans share a commonality of thought, emotion, and intuitiveness . . . Americans, he would argue, even more than most. Stream-of-consciousness writing is a style that allows for long apparently disjointed discourse on a series of ideas and impressions which flow freely through a characters or narrators mind. In the great hubbub and combination of private sensation and external universal experience in "Song of Myself," a stream of consciousness rendering is quite obvious. This research paper was sold by , Inc. Stream of consciousness narration is its most simple definition an assumption of universal connections and experiences that allow one individual to empathize and understand the writers "flow." As a result, Whitman illustrates (especially in "Song of Myself") what can be accurately and appropriately described as of a "shared identity." However, that shared identity also has a level of uncertainty within its make up. The uncertainty arises from the question of whether in the process of all Americans sharing a common identity, that of being American, other commonalities might also exist. And, if that common characteristic of Americanism is part of what creates an American . . . how dies that fit with the highly-revered image of the "rugged individualist" that has permeated Americans view of themselves since ...

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