Sample Essay on:
Walt Whitman and Charles Olson

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 6 page paper describes the work, similarities and differences between poets Walt Whitman and Charles Olson. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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philosophical stances in their works. Discussion Moving from the singular to the universal means that both poets center their work in themselves, and then build on that foundation to encompass the entire world. What applies to them individually, they say, also applies to the rest of humanity, of which they are a part. This is both humbling and overbearing at times; Whitman especially can seem unbearably egotistical. But the tone of both poets is very similar; critics have described Olsons work as having a Whitman-like quality to it, and reading the two poets side by side will confirm this. Take for instance the first few lines of Song of Myself and contrast that with the opening of one of the "Maximus" poems. Heres Whitman: "I celebrate myself, and sing myself, / And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you" (Whitman). Olson writes this (his spacing is sacrificed here): "Off-shore, by islands hidden in the blood / jewels & miracles, I, Maximus / a metal hot from boiling water, tell you / what is a lance, who obeys the figures of the present dance" (Olson, 1987). Whitman is arguing that he is the same as every other human being; there is really no other way to interpret the line "For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you." But his "what I assume you shall assume" line can be read as meaning that he is going to tell readers what they should think, or perhaps value is a better word. At any rate, Whitman seems to be taking on the role of teacher or lecturer here. Olson too is setting out to teach a lesson. He argues that he is "metal hot from boiling water," which is ...

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