Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Wal-Mart Stores Human Resource Practices. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page paper. It is confusing to know that this company has received accolades for encouraging women in leadership positions and at the same time has faced gender discrimination lawsuits. This paper reports on many of the lawsuits filed against the company, what is known about its human resource practices, what the company claims is their culture and beliefs. The writer disputes the claim of them using servant leadership. The writer also comments on different resources for human resource practitioners. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
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this economic downturn. Its employees are at once fiercely loyal and lawsuit-happy. The question is what exactly goes on at Wal-Mart that leads to such different employees attitudes about their
employer? This is the largest retail company in the world. It has more than 7,850 stores, almost 3,000 of which are Supercenters (Biesada, 2009). It is the number-one retailer
in Mexico and Canada and has a strong presence in Europe and Asia (Biesada, 2009). On its Web site, Wal-Mart identifies their Three Basic Beliefs as: "Respect for the Individual;
Service to Our Customers; and Striving for Excellence" (Wal-Mart, Teamwork, 2009). They state they have a corporate culture that emphasizes mutual respect (Wal-Mart, Teamwork, 2009). The company conducts regular associate
(employee) opinion surveys and managers have an open door policy with employees (Wal-Mart, Teamwork, 2009). These are all found on their Web site in their description of the company. Some
companies publish their human resource policies and procedures at their Web site, these could not be found at the Wal-Mart Web site. This company reports that Orientation is the first
step in Wal-Marts Stores Training & Development program (Wal-Mart, Stores, 2009). Training is ongoing for employees in an effort to improve their performance. The company also provides a Leaders Out
in Front management training program for salaried workers (Wal-Mart, Stores, 2009). Most persons on salary are in management or supervisory positions. The Leaders Out in Front program is separated according
to three levels of management, beginning with assistant managers (Wal-Mart, Stores, 2009). There are also higher management learning and training opportunities at the company (Wal-Mart, Stores, 2009). Just one more
thing from the companys Web site. The company claims they lead according to the Servant Leadership model. The company states: "Its more important than ever that we develop leaders who