Sample Essay on:
WTO on Protectionism of First Nations

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page essay explores tariff-based protectionism and its effects on the global economy, making an argument in support of the WTOs support of the nations who dropped tariffs during the crisis. Bibliography lists 1 reference.

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economic downturns. However, these very same protections get in the way of free market trade. For hundreds of years, protectionist programs stalled the progress of global expansion, but those stalling tactics were freed at the end of the last century. Only a decade later, protectionism once again stands in the way of the international free trade system. Stifling free trade will not solve the current economic woes, analysts argue. The only way to recover from the economic crisis is to reopen trade and allow the markets to take care of themselves. Although tariffs are a current concern to analysts, it is doubtful they will play a more significant role than nontariff barriers for the next ten years. While tariffs have applied the brakes to global expansion, the slowdown will not last as long as predicted due to the fact that everyone gets the chance to play in a global market economy. Competitive Analysis Though they are not the only countries to do so, many blame the two countries that have controlled free trade for centuries for setting a bad example during the latest economic downturn, the United States and Great Britain. Once these leaders set tariffs, others followed suit. "Country after country are establishing trade barriers to protect parochial domestic interests," says Richard Weiner, a Sidley Austin LLP trade lawyer. "The end result will be to deepen the crisis and prolong the pain" (Miller). The World Trade Organization (WTO) agrees and admonishes the global leaders saying that the stimulus plans put into effect during the downturn will "strangle" the gains that have been made in international trade due to ...

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