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This 4 page paper discusses various works of ancient art and the impression that the artist was attempting to achieve. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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or courageous is as old as the human condition itself. In ancient civilizations, where there existed, quite possibly, no written words, visual references to specific rulers were utilized to depict
a persons various noble attributes. In the following works, one can easily see the messages that the artists were attempting to display. One of the older relics on display is
that of the Akkadian Ruler. Only the representation of his head is intact and available for viewing. Most experts state that it is most likely the representation of Sargon the
First, a ruler of Mesopotamia(Strickland 1992). According to what is known he was able to successfully unite many quarreling districts during his rule. Thus, this head is representative, in many
aspects of a god. This is notable from the severe expression on his face, as well as his demeanor of superiority. This, then, is the image of a man who
had his own brand of divinity and wisdom, or so the artist wants all to believe. The pyramid of Khafre is a testament to the reign of a ruler that
the designers wished to proclaim as great. It is also a testament to the ancient engineers that designed it. Most information states that it was actually a smaller pyramid than
that of his fathers and yet, he knew how to take advantage of the elevations and his engineers made the walls steeper, so that over the years, many of the
other pyramids sank, while Khafres pyramid remained on solid foundations(Strickland 1992). The pyramid is situated next to the Great Sphinx which may bear a great deal of significance, too, as
to the nature and the view of Khafre that the people had. Of course, too, this image could have been completely shared by no one other than himself, since in