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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6-page paper discusses improvements that Wellington Institute of Technology can make to its website. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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the "whys" of studying at the institution - namely that a student can gain relevant, practical and high quality skills that can provide a fulfilling career (Why Study at WelTec,
2009). There are also convenient locations and various ways in which a student can enroll. This is all very nice. The problem with the current website, however, is its just
like a zillion other educational institution websites throughout New Zealand and around the world. There is little to separate this rather bland and blah website from its competition.
To truly have a competitive advantage, WelTec needs to find its difference as to why its so successful, exploit it, then build a new
website around that difference and competitive advantage. Moving in this direction means that WelTech will be more than just a utilitarian website. It will be one that gives the true
flavor of the institution and what it can do for the students who study there. The other major difficulty with the WelTec
website is that its very blah. Nothing "pops," perse - it "says" a lot through words, but it doesnt show much of anything. Its also a somewhat difficult site to
navigate - there is too much mouse movement necessary to get from the home page to other parts of the site. And once on those other parts of the site,
the student is faced with more - blah. In short, the WelTec website is quite static, and given WelTec advertises itself as a tech-savvy school, this is extremely problematic. To
entice students both to come back and use the site again and to (hopefully) apply to the school, WelTec needs to totally overhaul its website, make it fun to use