Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on WEIGHING THE BENEFIT OF WESTERN AID TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES:MOZAMBIQUE
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper discusses the harmful effects that Western intervention has brought to the countries that they try to aid. Mozambique is analzyed and used as an example of World Bank failure and IMF devastation of a country. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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little to be grateful for, since it would seem that relief aid from the West always brings with it turmoil and stressful societal changes. Mozambique stands as a great example
to the ineffectual distribution of aid and how the relief organizations, themselves, are as corrupt as those who intercept and loot the relief products which flood various countries, serving only
to plunge a struggling economy and political system into further disorganization and misery. What is it about the typical Western mindset that believes their way of life is a one
size fits all kind of lifestyle? At first blush, it seems quite benevolent for those in the West, blessed by great harvests and wealth, to want to help out those
countries who are less fortunate than they. However, what they fail to realize is that many of the countries in which they intervene, had they deigned to do their homework,
would not be ready or willing to embrace the societal changes which would be necessary for the aid to be effective. In Africa, for example, AIDS has been a widespread
problem. Oh, cry the Western countries, we must send them contraceptives and teach sex education to these people. Unfortunately, birth control goes against many of their deeply held belief systems.
Also, Africa is suffering from a whole host of other societal upheavals due in a large part to the introduction of Western culture, from which they still have yet to
recover. Africa has been at war with itself since the British colonized her centuries ago. Beginning with the Zulu wars, there has never been a time when Africa has not
known bloodshed within its borders due to battles being waged. Mozambique, after it became independent was supported largely by the Soviet Union. However, their assistance was replaced by the