Sample Essay on:
Virginia Woolf's "The Death of the Moth":

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper is a discussion of Woolf's essay, "The Death of the Moth". This paper examines how eloquently Woolf speaks of death and how the death of the moth can be likened to how human beings should value life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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regards to the ability of people to heroically struggle against death. Author Virginia Woolf presents readers with a vivid account of a moth that struggles against death, only to eventually succumb to the inevitable. And yet, there is beauty, determination, and a sense of eloquence to the struggle, which of course applies to people as well. This story is a clear reminder of how we all struggle against our inevitable death, and yet it is the struggle which brings meaning and clarity to our lives. Life and Death in "The Death of the Moth" Virginia Woolf was an English writer, and her works continue to be studied and enjoyed today (Virginia Woolf, 2003). She was known for her tumultuous personal life - which was comprised of sexual abuse, extreme depression, breakdowns, and finally, sexual abuse (Virginia Woolf, 2003, See also Who Was Virginia Woolf? 2003). Its interesting then to analyze a work such as The Death of the Moth, which so eloquently speaks to the issue of life and death. Woolf points out in her essay how moths are distinctly non-beautiful creatures, but that doesnt appear to bother the moth any. She reflects on how she watches a particular moth and how he seems quite happy and content with his life. Whats so ironic is that as she watches the moth, she pities him, for his useless life and worthless existence. Furthermore, she knows what lies ahead for the moth, and that is his certain death. Unlike other moths who have lifetimes of fluttering and contentment ahead of them, this moth is doomed. And yet, as he goes through the process ...

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