Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Vietnam War / Guerilla Warfare Tactics. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page paper discussing the guerilla warfare tactics used during the Vietnam war and how they differed from those used in other wars. Also examines the effects of those tactics on U.S. troops. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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8 pages (~225 words per page)
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had been traditionally fought in the past. The jungle terrain in which much of the war was fought made traditional methods of warfare impossible.
Guerilla warfare is characterized by less conventional warfare and the avoidance of nuclear war. It is the oldest form of fighting because it requires
the least amount of training. Often in guerilla warfare, both men and women fight with tools which are often crude and unsophisticated; they might be farm implements or sticks
and rocks. It is most often characterized by hand-to-hand combat. Conventional warfare, that is warfare as we are currently accustomed to,
had its beginnings around the seventeenth century with the formation of nation states and the demise of tribal systems. Because military formations became so much larger than they had
been under the old tribal systems, it became necessary to create uniforms for the different armies so they could be distinguished from one another. Military service became professional and
the methods of waging war forever changed and became more sophisticated thanks to the industrial revolution. In modern times, war was no longer man against man, but machine against
machine - guns, cannons, bombs. (Suter, 128). US intelligence prior to our involvement supplied the United States with a considerable amount of
information regarding the fighting tactics of the North Vietnamese, along with information that was shared by France (who had been involved in the conflict prior to the US) with the
United States regarding what their soldiers came up against in their skirmishes with the North Vietnamese army. The North Vietnamese army used