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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page essay that, first of all, offers a brief biography and discussion of the work of Vergil, the ancient Roman poet. Then, the writer offers a brief synopsis of two readings from Vergil's Aeneid, which are taken from Book I and Book VI. The paper closes with a brief reaction and discussion to what these readings tell us about the Roman worldview. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Vergil began to compose poetry. By chance, he met Octavian, who would later rule as Caesar Augustus and Vergil dedicated his first book of poetry to this influential Roman leader
(Matthews and Platt 109). Moving to Rome, Vergil met and acquired as patrons, men who were both wealthy and powerful (Matthews and Platt 109). Vergils poetry portrayed Roman virtues
and ideals in a manner that agreed with Romes image of itself, as he argued that the simple rural life of early Roman had prepared them for their mission to
be the rulers of the world. His idealistic perspective warned Rome to eschew the temptation to amass wealth and embrace the simpler ideals of an earlier era. As his work
had long been inspired by Greek and Alexandrian poets, particularly Homer, Vergil decided to write an epic that would portray and glorify Romes history. Synopsis : The first
excerpt from Vergils epic poem, the Aeneid, introduces Vergils audience to the principal characters of his saga: Aeneas, the Trojan prince who is fated to be the founder of Rome,
his followers and the queen of Carthage, Dido, who is doomed by her love for Aeneas. In addition to establishing Aeneas as an ancient Roman whose adventures rival any recorded
by Homer, Vergil, by establishing Aeneas as a Trojan also justifies Romes invasion and conquest of Greece as retribution for the fall of Troy. Aeneas and his fellow Trojans
are pictured as fleeing Troy after the Trojan War, with the intent of founding a colony of that city and culture in Italy. They are blown off route by a
storm and welcomed to Africa by Dido. In a flashback similar to that of Odysseus in Homers Odyssey, Aeneas tells of his adventures prior to arriving in Carthage. The second