Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Variations of Olfactory Abilities Across the Menstrual Cycle. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
7 pages. This paper is a well-developed summary of the research being done on human olfaction. It is felt that females have superior olfactory abilities over males. These abilities, however, vary across the menstrual cycle. Based on research conducted by several universities, this paper will attempt to answer the question as to how these olfactory perceptions occur and if they are indeed linked to the menstrual cycle in the female. Bibliography lists four sources.
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superior olfactory abilities over males. These abilities, however, vary across the menstrual cycle. Based on research conducted by several universities, this paper will attempt to answer the question
as to how these olfactory perceptions occur and if they are indeed linked to the menstrual cycle in the female. A study done at the University of Chicago
indicates that humans not only give off pheromones but are able to detect them as well (Bernstein 2001). Psychology professor Martha McClintock found in a study with rats that
"exposure to one set of airborne pheromones significantly shortened the rats cycles, while another set lengthened them" (Bernstein PG, 2001). This ties in directly to the hypothesis of this paper
that menstrual cycles are in some way connected to the olfactory ability, although there is still much research to be done in this area to learn more about this. In
another study done at Washington and Lee University it was proven that human olfactory use definitely affects the brain in that it can increase alpha activity. This suggests that
aromatherapy can in some ways be considered a valid therapy. At the same time, this study showed that "Loss of olfactory ability is associated with complaints such as depression,
loss of interest in sexual behavior, and eating disruption" (Lorig PG, 2001). The fact that a loss of olfactory ability can be linked to loss of interest in sexual behavior
suggests that the olfactory ability works in conjunction with the sexual organs and that the brain is somehow linked with olfactory sensing. The brain subsequently gives commands as to
the sexual feelings that are exhibited both by human and animal. In a third study researchers at Rockefeller University in New York and Yale University in Connecticut have "identified what