Sample Essay on:
Using Research Findings In Nursing

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page paper that discusses two topics: using research finding and barriers to using research. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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increase understanding of different concepts or even new situations. Research helps nurses make more informed decisions while it helps them to avoid practices that could be harmful. Munroe, Duffy and Fisher (2008) report there has been an increase in using evidenced=based care in nursing. Evidence-based simply means research findings. These authors describe evidenced-based nursing as "an integration of the best evidence available, nursing expertise and the values and preferences of the individuals, families and communities service" (Munroe, Duffy and Fisher, 2008, p. 55). Whether or not a nurse will eagerly use research findings is dependent upon several factors. The first is whether or not they can read and understand research. Another factor is the nurses attitude toward research and attitude has been found to be an even stronger motivator for nurses to use research findings but education plays a key role (Munroe, Duffy and Fisher, 2008). These investigators report that nurses with higher levels of education tended to read and use research more often. At the same time, nurses who doubted the credibility of research results and the transference to actual clinical practice kept some nurses from using research (Munroe, Duffy and Fisher, 2008). Granger (2003) stated that effective nursing relies on evidence or research findings to support practice. Research reveals best practices and these will improve nursing practice. For example, nurses knew that people coming out of cardiac surgery got depressed but it was not until research studies validated that as a fact that doctors orders were given to deal with the condition (Granger, 2003). As nurses knew, patients who were bedridden for days would develop nasty bed sores but research gave them the evidence they needed to use different techniques to avoid this condition. There are many barriers to nurses using research findings in practice ...

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