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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper which examines the relevance of the
title in Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle.” No additional sources cited.
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jungle. It is a story of Lithuanian families who immigrate to the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. They struggle and work to survive in a land
that has promised wealth and security. The following paper examines three different quotes from the book as they relate to the title of the novel. The Jungle The
first quote to be examined comes from chapter 10 of the novel. At this point the struggles of this particular family have already been established and the family, for the
most part, has no more true fantasies about what the United States can bring them. One of the children, Marija, has apparently lost her job, given up her dreams with
the union which she could not afford, and finally found a job at a meat plant. She needed this job in order to see her family survive. The following quote
describes the conditions and her determination: "Trimming beef off the bones by the hundred-weight, while standing up from early morning till late at night, with heavy boots on and the
floor always damp and full of puddles, liable to be thrown out of work indefinitely because of a slackening in the trade, liable again to be kept overtime in rush
seasons, and be worked till she trembled in every nerve and lost her grip on her slimy knife, and gave herself a poisoned wound - that was the new life
that unfolded itself before Marija. But because Marija was a human horse she merely laughed and went at it; it would enable her to pay her board again, and keep
the family going" (Sinclair). For a supposedly civilized individual living in a jungle would mean slaughtering meat and perhaps slaughtering it in very difficult conditions that threatened the life