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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper examines the Haulage industry in the UK in 2009 using a PESTEL analysis and Porters Five Forces model to examine the different internal and external influences. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
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The road haulage industry is very important in the UK. Many industries rely on the haulers, but it is also an industry that appears trio be under a great
deal of stress, with increasing costs as well as pressure from customers to cut costs, increasing legislation and difficult economic conditions. In order to assess the industry we can use
a PESTEL analysis and look at the industry using Porters Five Forces model. 2. PESTEL 2.1 Political Influences The haulage industry is one that has been influenced heavily by
politics. The road hauliers have seen increased opportunities as well as increased threats as a result of The UKs membership of the European Union. This is increased as the membership
has increased, and now many UK drivers may find itself competing with drivers from other areas, such as Romania and the Eastern European bloc. However, this has also increased the
potential markets which they can travel to bring back goods, so this has also opened up opportunities as well as presenting new competition by reducing many of the barriers to
trade (Mintzberg et al., 2008). 2.2 Economic Influences There are a number of economic influences within the country. It has been noted to between 2005 in 2006 there was
an increase in the level of revenues and by British hauliers (Harris, 2008). Overall since 1996 it has been increased to 34% on this means that was a sea
industry is not seen proportional increases in line with the GDP since that date, the revenues have increased in line with GDP. In ?25 million was earned in 2006.
However, there are a number of costs which are present in placing pressure under management to reduce the cost. It is estimated in 1999 the 35% of all