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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 2 1/2 page paper which
briefly compares and contrasts San Francisco and Saint Louis. No sources cited.
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2 pages (~225 words per page)
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a sense of community as it relates to each specific city. For example, the community, or social feeling, one gains from visiting one city will be far different from that
obtained by visiting another city. Each city is unique. Its people are unique and its history is unique. And, through those subtle realities we see different things and feel different
things when visiting historical cities across the country. In the following paper we first examine San Francisco and then discuss Saint Louis, narrating and describing experiences while comparing and contrasting.
San Francisco San Francisco is, at first sight, an incredibly beautiful city on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. It seems that no matter where you are you
have an incredibly view of that ocean as the streets are powerfully steep, making even driving these streets frightening at times. The houses on many of the streets are packed
up against one another, with incredibly beautiful architecture, speaking of a Western past that is filled with drama and rebelliousness. One gains a sense of wealth in older parts
of San Francisco as gold played a large part in the development of the city. But, just one or two blocks away and one can find themselves in the history
of Asia within San Francisco. One finds themselves, a few short blocks from the business district of the city, smack dab in the midst of China Town with an array
of wondrous imports and incredible food. One can also find the busy and smelly district known as Fishermans Wharf. This is a place perhaps unique to San Francisco, though
many ocean side cities possess something similar. It is a part of the history of this city and even with no knowledge of the history one can sense the power