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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper is an essay on what it might be like to visit a place as an adult that one knew as a child.
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might write something like the following. I havent been back to my old grade school since I left it, and I decided, when I last visited my parents, to take
a look at the place. I came away with a deep sense of uneasiness and disappointment, not to say grief. It was a very strange experience and one that made
me realize there really is no going back. For one thing, the halls that once seemed so spacious and high-ceilinged now seemed narrow, dark and low. In fact, the ceiling
seemed to press down on me to the point where it felt like I couldnt breathe. It was very oppressive, to the point that I thought of leaving. I decided
to keep exploring, even though Im not sure what I hoped to find; perhaps some sort of pleasant memory of the past that would make me feel better. Instead, I
found that the classrooms were cold and dark, and much smaller than I remembered. I tried to sit at one of the desks and was surprised that it seemed so
tiny. Everything was all wrong somehow. I started for the gym and found myself in shock: when I opened the door to what should have been the hallway connecting the
gym to the rest of the school, I found myself outside! Part of the building had been torn down, and some of the municipal offices had moved into what was
left. I began to cry. I hadnt been away from the school for that long, but it seemed like everything had changed, and there was no possible method to go
back to the way things had been before. It was then that I realized how difficult a journey life could be, and that even at age 20, I had already