Sample Essay on:
Traumatic Brain Injury, Home Remediation

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that describes remediation strategies that apply to traumatic brain injury patients. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

File: KL9_khTBI.doc

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Traumatic Brain Injury, Home Remediation Research Compiled By - April, 2012 properly! Traumatic brain injury (TBI) refers to any injury to the head that impairs subsequent brain functioning. While mild TBI can appear to have left the individual unimpaired, physical symptoms are often evident and problems with cognitive functioning, such as difficulty concentrating, paying attention to detail or problem solving may be evident (Patterson and Staton, 2009). The needs of patients whose TBI is more severe are even more evident. The examination of TBI describes the rehabilitative processes that can be offered within a home program. The most significant goal of rehabilitation is aid patients in regards to their everyday functioning. TBI patients typically experience a range of psychosocial consequences that affect their long-term recovery and quality of life (Rasquin, et al, 2010). For example, memory deficits frequently interfere with this goal as patients report difficulty in conveying messages, remembering instructions or completing daily tasks (Ho, et al, 2011). Research has shown that training in the use of memory aids, such as diaries, improves cognitive functioning for TBI patients, as this helps to improve both focused attention and memory (Ho, et al, 2011). Studies also indicate that diary training was most effective when it was combined with training designed to help patients to be self-instructional, as this training promoted higher levels of self-regulation and self-awareness (Ho, et al, 2011). Self-instructional training involves a four-step process, which are summarized to patients in the following manner; "W-What are you doing to do?...S-Select a strategy for the task...T-Try out the ...

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