Sample Essay on:
Tonsillectomy Patient

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 4 page research paper that describes a hypothetical pediatric tonsillectomy patient receiving a coblation procedure. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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4 pages (~225 words per page)

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presence at those times when the parents cannot be present. Zengerle-Levy (2006) carried out a qualitative study of pediatric nurses experience and found that nurses a variety of strategies to provide for childrens psychological needs, such as story-telling, humor and simply talking. Perioperative healthcare teams generally include the patients pediatrician, the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and the primary nurse assigned to the case. The role of the nurse on the healthcare team is varied, as it is the nurses duty to oversee 24-hour a day care during hospitalization. Nurses collaborate with the other members of the team and coordinate care, working closely with doctors and other specialists (The role, 2008). This assignment obviously calls for the student to report on an actual assigned case. As this writer/tutor does not know the details of this case, the following hypothetical case provides a general guide. "Joey," a seven-year-old who has had multiple cases of strep throat and diagnosed with sleep apnea, seemed apprehensive on admittance. The nurse joked with him, asked him about his favorite baseball team and assured him that she would be with him during the scheduled procedure, a coblation tonsillectomy. Joey received 0.5 mg/kg of midazolam syrup prior to surgery (Pediatric anesthesia, 2005). Medazolam is commonly administered with opioids and can be reversed with the antagonist flumazenil (Krauss and Green, 2006). During the procedure, midazolam is used with "careful intravenous titration" (Krauss and Green, 2006, p. 766). Literature indicates that the "risks of hypoxia and apnea" increase when a benzodiazepine, such as midazolam, is used in conjunction with opioids (Krauss and Green, 2006). The members of the surgical team worked like a well-oiled machine, as each member addressed their assigned tasks quickly and efficiently. Tonsillectomy consists of two stages: "removal of the tonsil, followed by ...

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