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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper discussing the merger of two Illinois hospital systems (Highland Hills and Northwestern) in 2000; eBay and PayPal in 2002; and Citigroup's acquisition of Mexico's Banamex in 2001. The hospital merger was being challenged as being anti-competitive in 2005 and could be reversed. Strategic success appears to be more likely than financial success in the environment that currently exists. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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acquisition of Chrysler, Hewlett-Packards acquisition of Compaq and the AOL-Time Warner merger, there are many mergers that have fallen far short of hopes for their success. The purpose here
is to examine the outcomes of three recent mergers. Illinois Hospitals All of healthcare is in a state of flux in the current
environment. Though it remains unclear where healthcare will finish and what form it will take in the future, a fact of life in healthcare in the current environment is
continued consolidation of the industry. In 2000, Highland Park (Ill.) Hospital merged with two-hospital Evanston (Ill.) Northwestern Healthcare. Operating in the same
geographical area in Chicagos North Shore suburbs, Highland Park had competed with at least one of Northwesterns hospitals. In response to many and ongoing complaints of rapidly-increasing prices, the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) brought suit against the merged entity in 2004 challenging the merger. The trial was to begin in January 2005; if the FTC wins it likely
will require divestment of Northwestern Healthcare by Highland Park. The merged entity has profited well since the merger, particularly if the basis for
the FTCs complaint is true, "alleging that the systems three hospitals extracted huge price increases from payers after the deal and illegally fixed prices for physician services, in violation of
federal law" (Taylor, 2004; p. 20). Though the merged entity has been able to profit well since its 2000 merger, that increase is likely to be decimated in one
way or another. Either the FTC will win its case and require reversal of the merger, or the FTC will not win but the new company will be restrained