Sample Essay on:
Three Poets: Dickinson, Frost and Hughes

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This 3 page paper discusses the way three poets, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost and Langston Hughes, use sound and motion to convey a sense of life and death in three of their poems, “Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers” (Dickinson): “Out, out…” (Frost) and “The Weary Blues” (Hughes). Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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sound and motion to convey their message. It argues that each of them associates motion with life and quiet with death. They also associate sound with human activity and stillness with the grave. Discussion The poems well consider are "Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers," by Emily Dickinson; "Out Out" by Robert Frost; and "Lenox Avenue: Midnight" by Langston Hughes. Associating motion with life seems like a glimpse of the obvious, but there is more going on than the simple assertion that if something moves its alive. It can be argued that there are things that move that we have a hard time considering alive, such as germs, viruses and so on. Here, the argument is that motion is associated strongly with human life; and that when motion ceases, death comes. This too can seem simplistic, because the opposite of motion is not death, but stillness. But these poets have chosen to go far beyond that and associate it with death. Emily Dickinson is famous for her fascination with death. Most of her poems concern it; some are even written from the point of view of the person whos died which is surely a unique perspective. In this work, death is seen as a safe place: the dead are "untouched" beneath their rafters of satin and roofs of stone (Dickinson). They wait motionless for the resurrection. It is sound, not movement, that works most strongly on the reader of Dickinsons poem. The breeze "laughs," bees "babble" and the birds sing, even though the ears do not hear (Dickinson). The world moves on, "Diadems drop and Doges surrender" - meaning that even those who wear crowns and rule cities die - "Soundless as dots on a disk of snow" (Dickinson). The lack of sound is associated here with the lack of ...

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