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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page research paper that provides a lesson plan for third graders concerning sun protection and safety. The writer discusses lesson goals and objectives, presentations, and related activities designed to teach children about sunburn and sun protection. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
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have ever had sunburn. To those who respond affirmatively, the teacher might then ask if it hurt, and then if the students know why it hurt. The teacher then explains
that the lesson on sunburn will tell then what sunburn is, why it happens and also how to prevent getting sun burned. Goals : The goals of this lesson
are to help students comprehend the basic dangers of overexposure to UV rays and to also know the basics of prevention. Objectives : The students will learn the basic facts
about the sun and UV rats, as well as the fundamental dangers of overexposure to the sun, i.e., the danger of getting sunburned, which can lead to cancer in later
life. The students will also learn the fundamentals of protection, which are protective clothing, sunscreen with SPF greater than 15, and avoid the midday sun (ACS, 2007). Materials
Handout which has the lyrics to "Sunburn Serenade." Handout with crossword puzzle for ACS precautions. Procedure Presentation 1 : The teacher asks if any student has heard the
saying, "Slip, Slop, Slap, Wrap?" After giving the children a chance to respond, the teacher explains that this is how the American Cancer Society (ACS) reminds people to protect themselves
so that they will not get skin cancer from getting sunburned. The saying means to "slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hart, and wrap on sunglasses"
(ACH, 1999). As well as getting sunburned, the teacher asks if anyone in the class knows what else can happen from being out too long in the sun. The teacher
then explains heat exposure and how this is caused by becoming dehydrated (explaining this term if the children are not familiar with it). The teacher points out the relationship between