Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Theories of Counseling/Human Sexuality. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page research paper addresses several topics. It begins by discussing various models of relational/relationship counseling; then, offers a list of questions suitable for taking a sexual history and concludes with a lengthy discussion of Female Orgasmic Disorder. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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model of spirituality-based counseling has been proven by counselors to be extremely useful (Parker, 2011). The FDT describes the specific stages of spiritual development, offering counselors a framework that facilitates
identifying both positive, adaptive qualities, as well as potential obstacles that pertain to a particular clients circumstances (Parker, 2011). There are additional models of spiritual and religious development that are
used in relational counseling, such as the models developed by Faiver, et al, in 2001; Frame, 2003; and Miller in 2005 (Parker, 2011). Geidner (2009) proposes that developmental system
theory offers a possible method for addressing the limitations that are evident in contemporary models of counseling. Developmental counseling and therapy (DCT) is counseling model that endeavors to counseling with
the knowledge inherent in developmental science (Geidner, 2009). Counseling that is founded on developmental system utilizes the relationships between the various systems that make up individual experience. Therefore a developmental
system perspective offers counselors a means to better inform practice (Geidner, 2009). Frequently, a client may be functioning well within one system, the cognitive system for example, while functioning poorly
in regards to another system, such as the "self-system" (Geidner, 2009, p. 369). As this suggests, the utility of DCT lies in its ability to "offer a general outline for
the process of building a developmentally based clinical intervention" (Geidner, 2009, pp. 370-371). Sexual history interview questions (6-8 questions) Taking a sexual history, in order to offer comprehensive sexual
counseling, requires specific clinical skills (Haist, et al, 2009). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out that, first of all, the health care provider taking the sexual
history should endeavor to put the client at ease, conveying the message that taking a comprehensive sexual history is important. The client should be assured that all information is kept