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Theoretical Assessment: The Mentor's Role

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

An 8 page research paper that offers a comprehensive overview of the roles and responsibilities of nursing mentors. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

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8 pages (~225 words per page)

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Theoretical Assessment: The Mentors Role Research Compiled By - April, 2012 properly! Introduction The term "mentor" derives from Greek mythology, as it was the character of Mentor in Homers great epic poem who served Odysseus as a faithful advisor. In contemporary healthcare practice, the term "mentor," which is often used interchangeably with preceptor, indicates an experienced clinical practitioner who guides, supports, supervises, facilitates and evaluates the learning of a nursing student as that student acquires the professional knowledge and expertise that are required by practice standards (Bastable, 2008). The following examination of what it means to be a mentor focuses on describing and discussing the core skills and behaviors of a mentor before analyzing the various ways in which mentors utilize these core skills within the parameters of the mentoring role. The paper concludes with a discussion of the strategies that mentors can exploit in order to develop their mentoring skills and expertise. In their 2000 text, Mentoring, Preceptorship and Clinical Supervision, Morton-Cooper and Palmer identify a variety of roles that mentors fulfill in guiding and supporting nursing students in clinical environments (Ali and Panther, 2008). These roles include the areas of communication, counseling, coaching and advising students, as well as serving their mentees by expanding their access to professional contacts (Ali and Panther, 2008). Mentors also serve as role models, providing students with an observable professional model for behavior and they support the students as an advocate whenever this is required (Ali and Panther, 2008). Core skills of a mentor A study conducted by Wilkes ...

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