Sample Essay on:
Theodore Olson and Gay Marriage

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page paper which analyzes and discusses Theodore Olson’s article The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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argues that gays have the same rights and the same values, when it comes to marriage, as heterosexuals. As such he argues that they are being denied some very basic American rights. The following paper examines this article by Olson. Theodore Olson and Gay Marriage Olson notes that people are slowly beginning to side with gay people and their right to marry. This does not mean the majority wants to make it legal for gay people to marry, but that it is becoming more acceptable, or more of an acceptable idea in society. Interestingly enough, it has long been the case that people do not change their perceptions right away when something like this crops up as a very obvious social and political idea. People are afraid of change in many cases and such change is "distressing" for many (Robinson, 2010). As it becomes more of an acceptable, and more contemplated, issue people begin to wonder why such laws were not changed previously. One could well argue that is exactly what Olson has done, as a Republican. While the article does not claim what his opinions were many years ago, his opinions today indicate that many Republicans could well see that gays want what is considered to be relatively conservative in terms of ideals. "Many of my fellow conservatives have an almost knee-jerk hostility toward gay marriage. This does not make sense, because same-sex unions promote the values conservatives prize" (Olson, 2010). These values are those that lay the foundation for a society, according to Olson and many other others. Apparently many individuals believe that marriage lays the foundation of good social and moral conduct in society. One author states as much, but adds that it is also the institution for procreation (Somerville, 2003). This is ...

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