Sample Essay on:
Theodicies In The Book Of Job And Augustine

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page paper that begins with a brief summary of Job’s tribulations and how he faced those challenges. The issue of theodicy as observed in this book is discussed. The paper also discusses Augustine’s Free Will theodicy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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that Gods omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (all-powerful), and omnibenevolence (all-loving) are true and real even in the face of evil. We have all heard and perhaps, even stated ourselves: if God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent, then, why does He allow such horrible things to happen, why does He allow such evil to exist. A theodicy is a specific kind of answer to these questions. One of the Books in the Bible that have been used to discuss this very issue is the Book of Job. Many scholars argue that Job is one of the very few characters in the Bible whose righteousness was never questioned by anyone. In fact, God actually bragged to Satan that Job is completely righteous and reverent. Satan argues that the only reason for Jobs disposition is that he is wealthy, highly respected, has many possessions, and is protected by God. God challenges Satan to do what he wants to test Job. The only condition is that Job would not be harmed himself. Satan attacks Job and Job loses all his possessions and wealth but he will not leave his faith in God so Satan wants to attack Job himself and God consents as long as Job is not killed. Satan attacks Jobs entire body with boils and sores but Job continues to praise God. Jobs wife tries to get him to curse God. Then, friends suggest he is being punished because he did something wrong, he sinned. This goes on and on but Job holds steadfastly to his fait (NIV, Book of Job). The Book of Job is filled with theodicies. Job refuses to relent. No matter what happens to him, Job continues to believe firmly in Gods goodness even though he has lost everything. In the end, God gives everything back to Job. ...

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