Sample Essay on:
The Use of the Functional Behavioral Assessment for Students with Severe Behavioral Disorders

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper provides an overview of the FBA (Functional Behavioral Assessment) as used in schools and applies it to the most severely disturbed students. The validity of FBA in general is addressed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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it is not always applied in the cases of severe behavioral problems, perhaps it should be. It does appear that the FBA is valuable, particularly when it comes to severe problems. Severe behavior problems are exasperating for school systems and the teachers who have to deal with them, but the FBA can be a viable solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem. First what is the functional behavioral assessment that is also known as FBA? FBA may be defined as a collection of methods that is utilized to gather information regarding antecedents, behaviors, and consequences for purposes of determining the reason for certain behaviors (Gresham, Watson & Skinner, 2001) . Once the function of behavior is assessed, the information may be used in order to design intervention strategies for the purpose of reducing problem behaviors and to encourage positive behaviors instead (Witt, Daly, & Noell, 2000 as cited in Gresham, Watson & Skinner, 2001). FBA does not consist of a single test or observation, but instead involves a multimethod strategy that includes observations, interviews, and a review of records (2001). Student behavior is evaluated, with the primary goal being the identification of environmental conditions which are associated with the occurrence and nonoccurrence of problem behaviors (2001). With the use of such an approach, the function of behavior is represented by a change in an independent variable as well as the effect represented by a change in a dependent variable (2001). The function of behavior is aligned with the purpose that the behavior seems to serve for the individual (Gresham, Watson & Skinner, 2001). Behavioral functions fall into five categories which are social , an access to tangibles or preferred activities, for escape, for the avoidance of individuals, or for mere internal stimulation ...

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