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This 8 page paper provides an overview of the theories of Freud and Jung and their impacts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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and subconscious minds (id, ego and superego), but also set the precedent for understanding the socialization of individuals within familial contexts. Since the development of Freudian concepts, neoanalysts like
Jung have integrated some of Freuds concepts into emerging paradigms on psychological and psychosocial development. Freuds view on the subconscious minds development and assessments of attachment have been
integrated into further theoretical studies by Jung, relating elements of Freuds initial theories to assessments of psychological and psychosocial functioning. Freuds views on maternal attachment have served as a
basis for arguments regarding the topic of "nature vs. nurture." Freud considered whether elements of nurturing or the lack of nurturing played a more significant role in psychological functioning
than preexisting personality traits. Freud believed that individuals are essentially a "clean slate" when they are born, and that the elements that determine our personality occur through exposure and
response to stimuli. Freud sought to show that children develop some of their central focuses through distinctions made as a result of pleasure and pain perception. Studies, then,
of his psychoanalytical process, his talking cure, related to the fact that mitigating factors defined by either pain or pleasure in childhood often shaped behaviors in adulthood.
Tests of Freuds theory stem from comparative assessments of case studies of children and adults who have experienced varying degrees of maternal attachment.
Though empirical support for Freuds theories exist and can be viewed through his own scientific methods for studying patients with psychoses, parts of his theory on maternal attachment have
been integrated into progressive theories, including those of Jung. There are two parts to Freuds theory on child attachment and development: