Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Technologies Used in the Recruitment of College Basketball Players:. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 3 page paper discusses the means by which college basketball players are recruited. This paper explores the different techniques as well as the many new technologies available which have expanded the available options. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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a host of new methods by which to recruit college basketball players, to the point that it has revolutionized the art of recruiting. No longer is it necessary for recruiters
to travel the globe in search of the perfect candidate, since in todays digitally accomplished world the recruiter is able to send and receive visual messages which greatly assist in
the selection process. Furthermore, digital technology has a plethora of other applications as well. Consider how schools have changed their marketing
tools, as the image the school projects has a profound impact upon the recruits (Vlahakis, 2003). For example, the University of Indiana has recently implemented a CD marketing system,
whereby they send CDs marketing their university to high school guidance counselors all over the state, and even throughout the country (Vlahakis, 2003). This becomes a valuable recruiting tool
as well, as recruiters are able to send the CD to potential recruits to examine as opposed to sending brochures or pictures which are not nearly as detailed and visual
(Vlahakis, 2003). Therefore, the student gets a much better idea of what the school has to offer, what the campus looks like, etc. (Vlahakis, 2003). The CD,
which is Macintosh/Windows compatible, features nearly 200 video clips of IU students, faculty and graduates talking about courses, majors, careers, campus diversity, sports and culture. Users also can take advantage
of 166 panoramic photos?with full 360-degree viewing ability?to look at living centers, classrooms, labs, sports areas and other campus settings, as well as the city of Bloomington. It also features
music performed by Bloomington artists, interactive games and an on-line link to IUs admissions application form (Vlahakis, 2003). College basketball