Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Sixth Amendment. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page consideration of the importance of this critical component of the U.S. Bill of Rights. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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4 pages (~225 words per page)
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one of several amendments that clarify the terms of the U.S. Constitution and that provide additional protection for U.S. citizens. The first ten of these amendments specifically pertain to
the rights of those citizens that have been accused of criminal activity. The Sixth Amendment is particularly valued in this application because it specifies that the accused are entitled
to a speedy and public trial. The provision of the Sixth Amendment specifying that a defendant be tried speedily and in
a proceeding that is open to the public is beneficial in a number of regards. The benefits of a speedy trial are self evident but the benefits of a
public trial are those that have been heavily contested in some circles. The presence of public observers, however, goes a long ways towards assuring that the defendant is provided
a fair and legal chance to defend themselves and that enough evidence is indeed to warrant a conviction if a conviction is made. A public trail guards against unfair
persecution and serves to assure the public, and the defendant, that legal situations are being handled appropriately. While the public does
not have a voice in a trial, they do have a voice in American society. Questionable practices that were observed by the public during a trial would undoubtedly become
an issue outside the courtroom. Among the more valuable members of the public in this regard, as might be expected, are representatives of the media whose job it is
to make the public aware of what occurs during a trial. The media has accomplished this purpose in a variety of ways throughout the life of the Sixth Amendment.