Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Significance and Impacts of Globalisation and Internationalisation on the UK Petroleum Industry. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper considers how are the concepts of internationalisation, globalisation and trans-national corporations are of significance to UK petrol industry in both theory and practice. The paper looks at the influences then uses the UK company BP as an example to demonstrate who these influences can be seen. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
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in the UK, but has also been influenced by internationalisation and globalisation. The beginnings of the UK petroleum industry may be seen as a result of the development of the
need for oil and transportation to satisfy both direct and supporting services that have been stimulated by the drive towards globalisation. These cannot fail to have an impact on the
way the petroleum industry has developed and responded, both in reliance, opportunities, threats and the increased desire to become independent this is reflected in patterns of trade as well as
the way major companies such as BP have evolved. Globalisation is a force that has been seen for many centuries, but has driven forwards at an increasing pace requiring
petrol as input. The UK, as a colonial power when combustion engines were first starting to take off was in a very advantageous position, exercising influence over many Middle East
countries, as seen with the influence over the now United Arab Eremites, Kuwait and Iran, now major oil producers. This placed the UK in a position where the demand
for petrol and petroleum products could develop and be satisfied with the use of influence. The development of globalisation has also seen a shift of power away from the colonial
hegemony of Britain towards greater independence for the Middle Eastern counties. This has also shifted power away from the UK towards the oil producing countries. However, with the
increased demand for petroleum product there was a shift in 1973 following the oil embargo that impacted on the way UK oil companies and the UK petrol industry developed.
The background to this was political and demonstrated the power of OPEC. There was disdain from the Arabic countries for the way in