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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages. When looking at the relationship between religion and the First Amendment there are those who would agree that the role of religion is becoming less and less a part of the life of the average citizen. Because of the extreme measures the government has taken in separating religion from any endeavor that might involve people with beliefs different from our own, it is the intent of this essay to show that religion has for all intents and purposes been denied us. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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of the average citizen. Because of the extreme measures the government has taken in separating religion from any endeavor that might involve people with beliefs different from our own,
it is the intent of this essay to show that religion has for all intents and purposes been denied us. THE FIRST AMENDMENT There is no
question that the United States of America was built upon a foundation of democracy and liberty for each and every citizen. It is by way of this infrastructure of
democratic rule that the country has been able to enjoy and pursue the various constitutional rights inherent with being an American. In a country where the people are voluntarily
offered the freedoms of democracy and liberty, it can be said, "... democracy is the privilege of the informed and the involved" (Muczyk, PG). And if one were to
be informed and involved in the democratic process, one would have to have "some familiarity" (Searle, PG) with the delicate nature of individual freedom and democracy. Key to realizing the
fact that America was intended to be a democracy from the start is the very documents that proposed such a fair and impartial form of government: the Constitution of the
United States and the Bill of Rights. One only needs to look at the Amendments of the Constitution to comprehend the length to which Americas forefathers were ready and
willing to go in the name of democracy. Perhaps the most critical of these is the First Amendment, which guarantees a persons right to freedom of religion, speech, the
press, assembly and petition, all of which are the very backbone of American democracy. LOSING SIGHT OF RELIGION Unfortunately it has been throughout the last century that the idea