Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Relationship Between Curriculum and Instruction
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper discusses the complex relationship between instruction and curriculum, and various opinions on what it is. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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This paper uses outside sources to develop a theory of the relationship. The thesis developed is that curriculum is the foundation of the educational process; it comprises the courses that
must be mastered in each discipline if the student is to truly understand the subject and particularly if he is to develop problem-solving abilities. Instruction is the method by which
the student learns the curriculum, and varies with each course Discussion There are many different opinions on what a curriculum is. Some people think that its "teacher directions and
student activities" that are for sale from various curriculum publishers, others think that its what schools follow to teach students (Yates, 2000). Yates argues that most definitions of curriculum are
useless because they are imprecise, and suggests this one: "The curriculum of a school is the formal and informal content and process by which learners gain knowledge and understanding, develop
skills, and alter attitudes, appreciations, and values under he auspices of that school" (Yates, 2000). This definition is useful because it suggests that a curriculum will create results that can
be measured (in the improvement in understanding and skills of the learners) and that having measuring results further means that the curriculum can be improved in those areas where the
results are lacking (Yates, 2000). The relationship between instruction and curriculum is also of interest to Yates, who says "Instruction is the creation and implementation of purposefully developed plans for
the teaching of curriculum content" (Yates, 2000). This is the definition that would probably occur to most people: a curriculum is developed by the school, and then courses are designed
to help teachers teach the material in the curriculum. The relationship between the two concepts is very close; so close that Yates says ""curriculumandinstruction is frequently spoken as if it