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This 3 page paper explores the relationship among the Reformation, Counter-Reformation and Scientific Revolution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Reformation is generally considered to have begun in 1517, when a Catholic monk named Martin Luther nailed his objections to the Churchs practices to the door of the Wittenberg Castle
Church (Kirsch, 1911). Luther was a monk as well as a theologian, and over the years he had become increasingly disenchanted with the Church for some of its practices. As
is well know, the Church at that time did such things as selling indulgences, whereby a person who made a contribution would be absolved of sin without the necessity of
actually reforming or going to church regularly; in effect, these people were buying their way into heaven. This and similar practices, and the general corruption of the organization, led to
Luthers protest. Its interesting to note that Luther had no intention of starting a massive religious movement, nor did he want to break away from the Roman Catholic Church: he
still believed in it as a power for good and wanted only to reform it, which is where the word Reformation comes from. But the movement seems to have taken
on a life of its own, and soon various Protestant denominations sprang up. The creation of entirely new theological practices that were related to by separate from Catholicism is a
significant development in human history. The Counter-Reformation, as its name implies, was the Churchs response to the acts of Luther and other reformers. The Church didnt simply sit still when
the Reformation began; many Catholics were well aware of the need for reform and as more people left to join the new Protestant sects, "Catholic leaders urged Pope Paul III
to assemble a general council to discuss church reform" (Reformation & scientific revolution). He did, and the Council of Trent was held over the period 1545-1563; the aim of the