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This 10 page analysis explores the question of Benedict Arnold's contribution to his own defection due to his insistance for recognition and status, as his actions follow along the text of "The Real Benedict Arnold" by Jim Murphy. The battles at Saratoga are detailed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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spins an intriguing story out of the mouths of the officers and soldiers who fought with Arnold in battle. Murphys account in The Real Benedict Arnold appears to counter other
accounts of Arnolds treason, but in fact, it serves to highlight the reason that so little record appears in the U.S. archives on Arnold that would shed light on a
traitor turning against his country. Murphys account highlights how this started with the basic ideal Arnold adopted as a young boy and
the legacy he inherited from generations of Benedict Arnolds. In The Real Benedict Arnold, Murphy describes how the family consistently made bad choices and suffered the consequences of those decisions.
This is also true of the man he refers to as Benedict throughout The Real Benedict Arnold. Murphys account underscores Arnolds final decision to become a traitor, such as a
false life goal, his poor attitude toward authority and even worse treatment of Arnold by those in command. Despite this, within the context of The Real Benedict Arnold, he is
an inspiring character as he tries to escape the family legacy that leads to his treason. Influences on Arnolds Attitude Toward the
Military Early Years Born on January 14, 1741 as its sixth son with the name of Benedict, Arnold was born to a family
that had once known great wealth and affluence in New England. One of the Benedicts had been a governor of Rhode Island, and by all rights, Benedict should have experienced
the same fate. His mother brought wealth back into the family when she married his father, but Arnolds father made some bad business deals and lost the money. From the