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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper considers the impact of the creation of a temporary monument to those who died in the disaster at the World Trade Center, which was an initial consideration of the City, and further assessments of the reconstruction of the WTC has been proposed as a means of showing American strength and solidarity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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and determined the onset of the war against the Taliban. The creation of a temporary monument to those who died in the disaster was an initial consideration of the
City, but reconstruction of the WTC has been proposed as a means of showing American strength and solidarity. The World Trade Center, viewed by many as an icon the
city and a symbol of New York prosperity, will most likely be rebuilt, and proposed plans for the building project have been displayed and assessed. From a historical standpoint,
the reconstruction of the World Trade Center has been considered by many to be a unfathomable task, and as a result, it is beneficial to consider the application of historical
views of this type of reconstruction to the process in New York. Considering the account of Procopius of Caesarea on the rebuilding of the Hagia Sophia, for example, provides
a means of understanding the impetus, complexity and the drive for the rebuilding of the World Trade Center. Procopius of Caesarea first related the structural elements of the Hagia Sophia,
much in the same way that news stories have related the majesty of the World Trade Center. Like the World Trade Center, the Hagia Sophia is described in terms
of north and south sections and the verticle structures that are central to the overall construction. Procopius wrote: "And In the centre of the church stand four man-made eminences
(lophoi), which they call piers (pessoi),two on the north side and two on the south, opposite and equal to each other, each pair having between them just four columns" (19).
The integration of views of north and south and the segmentation of the overall structure can be applied to a view of the World Trade Center and