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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper provides an overview of issues related to political agenda and national policymaking. This paper asserts that the political climate tends to blurr the lines between private and public, church and state. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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lines" between the government and private entities, including Church, have determined the development of policies that are not staying true to our Constitution. While the First Amendment of
the United States Constitution defines a separation of Church and State, the lines have been blurred in recent years to ensure that the government can take action that is favorably
supported by large segments of the population (Stewart, Hedge & Lester, 2008). For example, challenges to embryonic stem cell research and government bans on the use of this technology
are based on right-to-life movements with large religious support systems. Rather than alienate large segments of the population that embrace a set of religious beliefs, the government has intervened
in a purely scientific process in order to protect the interests of the church. The Bush Administration sought to put into place an international ban on all cloning
of human cells, including reproductive cloning and cloning used to produce stem cells (embryonic cloning) (Herold & Daley, 2007). Though this adminstration finally decided to pull back from this
level of supported banking, it did place substaintive limitations on the use of embryonic tissues in both research and medical practices. The foundations of this policy were not linked
to the scientific merit of this process or to the belief that scientists would violate the rights of human subjects. In fact, international protocols had already been developed to
address these issues. The foundation of this action was linked to the Bush Administrations political agenda, which supported an ideolgoical or religious perspective on the right-to-life. Though the
Bush Adminstration was able to maitnain polticial support by right-wing conservatives, the actual implications of this kidn of legislation set us back decades in terms of research. Our best