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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
The slogan 'each should count for one and none should count for more than one', something Bentham used in defense of his philosophy, is explored in this 5 page paper. Both utilitarian and opposing views are considered. A division among utilitarianism is also included as are examples to illustrate arguments on both sides. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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action would provide the greatest good in total. An example of this would be immunizations. While childhood immunizations are a general requirement in civilized society, many groups oppose its use.
While the government admits that, in some cases, immunization can be fatal; it has deemed it necessary to insure health for the greater number. Thus, if only a small percent
of children die, it is justified on the grounds that it would save a greater number of potential disease victims. This example demonstrates how utilitarian concepts are used in modern
times. Central to Utilitarianism is the premise that it is ideal to achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number (McLeish). This philosophy has been criticized for many reasons but
a major area of concern is how one can measure happiness to begin with. One problem is demonstrated by an example. If a society exists where half of the population
is in ecstasy while the other half are totally miserable, this would not be desirable under the utilitarian concept; a society where neither group is either would be preferred (768).
Since the greatest quantity of happiness is what is most important, the distribution is not much to be concerned about (768). Applied to the example given in the former paragraph,
further support would be shown for the concept as not only are the immunizations used to insure health for the greater number of people, but it is also done with
the consent of the majority as well. It is not inducted by, say, an oligarchy forcing submission. Rather, it is done with the support of most of the people. Thus,
if small groups are unhappy, it would not matter. Individual freedom, then, would not be a factor. Choice would then be irrelevant to the example. Some critics of Bentham suggest