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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper is an analysis of the Hilton Group and trends in the years 1999 and 2000. The 9 pages include 2 pages of calculations used to compute the ratios placed as an appendix to the paper. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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current trends. However, it needs to be remembered ratios alone are not the only tools, trends and the circumstances of the industry as well as micro factors should also be
considered in terms of performance. The performance of this type of analysis is, but its nature historical as by the time they are produced all figures will already be out
of date. If we analyse the performance of the Hilton Group during the period 1999 - 2000 certain trends will become apparent, these are then backed up with a ratio
analysis. At first glance this company would appear to be doing well, there has been a 61% increase in revenue and a
68% increase operating income (Hilton, 2000). However, there are changes within the company and the actual performance in term of efficiency are not as good as may be expected. Increased
income doe not always mean increased profit. During 2000 there have been the sale of non core operations this will impact on performance, there were also several mile stones in
terms of operations that required heavy investment that increased both the asset base as well as debt and gearing. The net profit
margin which is often seen as a key ratio by management and investors alike, (Howells et al, 1998), is the first ratio we will use. This has reduced in 2000
to 7.88% in 2000 compared with 8.09% in 1999 and 16.79% in 1998. This may be cause for concern as it indicates there may be a loss of efficiency, however,
it may also indicate that there is a lag period between time of investment and the realisation of profit on the investment. For example in February 200 there was the