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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page research paper that discusses the nursing shortage. The writer defines the problem and discusses both the challenges and consequences involved, as well as possible solutions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Department of Health and Human Service indicated that the supply of full-time registered nurses (RNs) in 2000 was 1.89 million, while the demand would have accommodated 2 million (Chandra and
Willis, 2005). By 2010, the shortfall is predicted to be 12 percent and this is expected to climb to 29 percent by 2020 (Chandra and Willis, 2005). In response to
this shortage, many healthcare institutions have turned to foreign-educated nurses (FENs) as a solutions. This practice has become so widespread that many authors and authorities accept it as a
fait accompli and provide instructions and advice to would be employers. However, examination of the issues involved indicate why this solution is not only generally unethical, it does not provide
an effective or efficient long term solution to the nursing shortage. The following discussion will further define the problem and describe the factors influencing the problem. Then, both the challenges
and consequences of not addressing this urgent problem in a timely manner will be examined before proposing possible solutions and the economic investment this will entail. Defining the issues,
describing the influencing factors: While labor shortages in the nursing workforce have occurred in the past, this one is much more severe and rather like a self perpetuating negative cycle
due to a number of reasons. First of all, the average age of the population is getting progressive older. As a people. America, and the populations of all the developed
countries, is getting progressively older. As health problems become more frequent as people age and increase in their severity, there are more patients needing nursing care and their cases are
more severe in nature. This situation is complicated further by the fact that nurses are getting older as well (Chandra and Willis, 2005). In 2005, one third of US