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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper discusses the impacts of the Non-Aligned Movement(NAM) and the group of 77 (g77) advocacy for improved trade, investment and financial opportunities on developing countries between 1994-2006. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
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its role in encouraging peace, justice and democracy is how served by other means. However, it has still played a role, with the membership increasing by more than 400% to
114 the influence is still spreading. In 1994 the Group of 77 (G77), which had been formed in 1964 in order to focus on the development of co-operation between
the developing countries, especially in terms of economic interests, formed a joint co-ordinating committee (JCC) with NAM. The work of both organisations may be seen as complimentary with some overlap
and the partnership The partnership has demanded and encouraged many changes and the results of the partnership are greater than would be likely if the organisations had worked
separately. Alone NAM is one of the largest lobbying groups and seeks to influence the United Nations by representing the interests of the developing countries. However, when looking at the
JCC work there has been the advancing of the two organisations positions with the influence increasing as the JCC has become more recognised. Examples of the work of the
JCC include the taking part in the Open-ended High-level Working Group on the Strengthening of the United Nations System. Many of the developing nations are politically weak individually and the
JCC was able to co-ordinate the developing countries positions of the in the Non-Governmental Organisation subgroup, as well as support the paper presented by the G77. NAM has co-sponsored
13 of the G77 resolutions that have been presented on trade and development, cooperation in industrial development, external debt, food and sustainable development, human settlements and international cooperation. In addition
to this there has been support to a G77 Agenda for Development and renewal. The influence has been far reaching with the proposals and acceptance of many resolutions well as