Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Manipulation of Eastern European Countries by Western Organisations. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper considers how the Western organisations, such as the European Union have used their power to manipulate social, legal and economic change instates that wish to join them, and how this conditionality may be seen as both necessary and hypocritical. The paper focuses on the EU. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
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the co-operation and development occur we main make a strong argument that what is really occurring is a form of manipulation, this may be seen as necessary for the organisations
to operate efficiently and effectively, but it may also be seen as hypocritical political manipulation. The member states are influencing the potential new members and they themselves may often be
seen as breaching some of the conditions. If we consider the membership of the European Union there are many examples we can consider by looking at the Eastern European nations
and their ambition to gain membership. This can be seen reflected in the conditionality of many other western organisations such as NATO. If we look at Turkey, this is
a nation that has sought to attain membership of the EU. The European Union is seen as a desirable trading block to belong to. There are many advantages to being
a member of the EU, and it to gain these advantages countries such as Turkey, Cyprus and Greece all wish to join. In many ways these countries can be seen
as in similar positions. They are not yet economically stable, and there are also humanitarian issues that need to be resolved. This is being undertaken as a result of the
conditions that need to be satisfied to join the EU. The humanitarian requirements can be seen as being at least as important as
the economic issues. There is little doubt that the county is not economically ready when we look at the economic conditionality, however it is the social measures that may be
seen as the most questionable. Just as countries wish to join The European Union also see the future as one of an