Sample Essay on:
The Living Wage Argument

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper supports the view that Americans are not entitled to a living wage and provides evidence that there are many jobs that pay more than a minimum wage. The argument suggests that a living wage is not a birthright. Rather, America affords everyone the same opportunities and people have to take advantage of that. No bibliography.

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the country. It costs a great deal more to live in New York City, for example, than it does to live in Cleveland, Ohio. If one were to create a plan to set a minimum wage, in order to make life enjoyable or simply sustainable, there are several things to consider. Much would have to do with an individuals status. Does he or she have a significant other? If not, does the individual have a roommate or live at home? While a minimum wage cannot be based on all of these factors as one living wage must be designed for all, it is something to consider. If one is creating a minimum living wage, one cannot obviously calculate it based upon individual circumstance. If someone has a roommate, for instance, they will need less to live on. At the same time, if someone is married, it is possible that his or her spouse works. If they have children, the spouses may be stuck home with children and not be able to earn much. On the other hand, with no children, they are in the most advantageous position and are nicknamed DINKS (double income, no kids). As one can see, everyones circumstances are different. There have been cases of young adults living in middle class homes as single parents while collecting welfare. Obviously, the parents can take care of their adult offspring, but those adult children become entitled to government benefits anyway. Clearly, one can see that there are so many different circumstances, entitlements and the setting of wages is rather difficult. To come up with a living wage, one has to create a figure that is fair to all but considers what a common man or woman might need to put a roof over his head. Basically, a ...

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