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A 5 page paper which examines the life of Sergeant Alvin C. York. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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films made about him and his life. He was a relatively simple man, but a major hero in WWI. The following paper presents a general look at his life.
Sergeant York Alvin C. York was born in December of 1887 in a simple two room log cabin in the town of Pall Mall in Tennessee (Alvin Cullum York,
2005). His world and his life were relatively simple in such a rural region in the late 19th century and the early 20th century. He was one of eleven children
in his family and his life was relatively poor (Alvin Cullum York, 2005). At an early age it seems that he was found to be very good with firing a
gun, through necessity for hunting to help the family eat (Alvin Cullum York, 2005). In addition, he lived in a place and time when education was not really
a necessity for survival. He "had a grand total of nine-months schooling at a subscription school he attended in his youth" (Alvin Cullum York, 2005). Before the First World War
he was employed as a day laborer, and had evidently not even traveled any further than 50 miles from his home prior to the war (Alvin Cullum York, 2005).
As he grew older he was also well known it seems for being something of a delinquent at times. While being very good with a firearm he was also known
to be a big drinker and gambler (Alvin Cullum York, 2005). "York was generally considered a nuisance and someone who would never amount to anything" (Alvin Cullum York, 2005). His
world would change, however, due to religion. One author notes that, "His life was turned around by a woman, Gracie Williams, who convinced him to give up his worldly ways