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The Influence of Regime Type on Economic Policies: The Case of Taiwan

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This is a 5 page paper discussing the influence of regime type on economic policy using Taiwan as an example. Comparison of the economic policies of two countries which have different regime types to see if their economic policies differ is effective in the argument that economic policy is closely linked with regime type but there are also other factors and differences between two countries other than regime type which may also effect economic policies such as religion, political structure, inter-country alliances and rate of globalization. Another aspect of studying regime type as a dominant factor of economic policy would be to study one country which has undergone changes in regime type in a short period of time in history and then see how the different regimes types within the same country have affected economic policy. Although many countries have had relatively stable regime types in the past several centuries, Taiwan however has undergone four different regime transformations within the latter half of the 20th century. Comparison of Taiwan’s regime transformation and the changes in economic policies during the transformation can provide useful information in regards to how regime type is the most influential factor on economic policy. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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is effective in the argument that economic policy is closely linked with regime type but there are also other factors and differences between two countries other than regime type which may also effect economic policies such as religion, political structure, inter-country alliances and rate of globalization. Another aspect of studying regime type as a dominant factor of economic policy would be to study one country which has undergone changes in regime type in a short period of time in history and then see how the different regimes types within the same country have affected economic policy. Although many countries have had relatively stable regime types in the past several centuries, Taiwan however has undergone four different regime transformations within the latter half of the 20th century. Comparison of Taiwans regime transformation and the changes in economic policies during the transformation can provide useful information in regards to how regime type is the most influential factor on economic policy. Taiwans recent regime transformation has coincided basically related to the governance of the four ROC presidents between the years 1949 to current day. President Chiang Kai-shek ruled under authoritarian leadership from the years 1949 to 1972. The second phase of the regime transformation was under the rule of President Chiang Ching-kuo from 1972 to 1988 who political governance could best be described as "semi-democracy". The third regime phase of "democratic transition" can be found under the rule of President Lee Teng-hui from 1988-1996. Finally in 1996, the final phase in regime transformation, democratic consolidation, began when President Lee became the first directly elected president of the ROC (Ku, 2002). A countrys gross national product (GNP) per capita and economic growth rate are two economic indicators which can be used to determine the success of any economic reforms or policies which are changed ...

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