Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Important Interfaces of Global Sourcing. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper examines the different important interfaces that need to considered when undertaking global sources, This include the different interfaces between research and development, manufacturing and marketing. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
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to increase profits by looking to use comparative advantages. However, the sourcing must also be in line with the companies current competitive advantages, in other words there needs to be
a match. Between what the company needs and what the supplier can offer. Sourcing is a key activity, however, with the move away from the manufacturing industries in more service
based sectors and financial services, the manufacturing aspects of commerce have lost the perceived level of importance and as such sourcing has also lost its status and price has become
a major consideration. Often for many companies the issue in deciding whether to make or buy will be the final cost differential rather than other factors, such as the ease
or difficulty of the interface and the matches and the indirect costs that may be incurred. This does not mean buying in will always be less desirable. Only that it
should be considered in full. If we wish to look at the way that interfaces are influential on sourcing we need to consider
the different t types of interfaces that exist within sourcing and how they may be impacted. The different functions of a company may also be seen in constant conflict, with
different departments demanding different things, from new designs to standard components. The first interface that sourcing should consider is the interface between
research and development and manufacturing. For many companies these are two very vital department. If there is a desire to gain a first mover advantage or make advances in terms
of changes to develop a competive advantage through differentiation, research and development may be the starting point. However, competitive advantage is not isolated to creation in the research and development